Schmoes Know host Mark Ellis, Donovan McNabb benching, Skins vs Eagles. Madonna on Ellen bullying, Steve real life bully vs. child psychologist Katie Heeran. Christopher Coppola interview.

Schmoes Know host Mark Ellis is in studio guys talk Donovan McNabb’s benching and Eagles vs Redskins. Madonna is on Ellen discussing bullying and compares it to lynching black people and the Holocaust. Sean interviews a former high school bully named Steve and also brings on a child psychologist Katie Heeran into the discussion.  Christopher Coppola (nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, older brother of Nicholas Cage) talks about his new project Digivangelist and his cinematic charity work. A caller mistakenly believes Christopher is Nicholas Cage, but Christopher is still  able to answer his question.

Mark Ellis
Donovan McNabb
Madonna on Ellen
Christopher Coppola
Nick Cage

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