Jon Huck, World Series Recap, Arizona Streaker Interview, Herman Cain Smoking Ad, Jon On Temptation Island 2, ‘Offensive’ Halloween Costumes

Comedian Jon Huck is in studio and helps break down the crazy 2011 World Series.  An Arizona State streaker explains his logic for running on the field.  Herman Cain has

Ed Galvez, Teaching Stand Up Comedy, Being on Paris Hilton BFF, Bizarre Lotto Lady, Scarlett Johansson Hacker and Family Lost in Corn Maze

Stand up comedian Ed Galvez is in studio hanging out for this comedy podcast.  Ed and Sean share some horror stories about crazy stand up comics, and Ed talks about

Nick Rutherford, Writing for new Adult Swim show ‘Loiter Squad’, Hank Williams Jr. On Obama, Alex Jones on Gay Govt, William Shatner Sings Iron Man

Nick Rutherford is in studio and talks about his new gig writing for the Adult Swim show ‘Loiter Squad’. Hank Williams Jr. has some controversial opinions when he compares Barack

The Comedy Garage, Casey Feigh, Logan Leistikow, Cornell Reid, Paul Danke, Obama in LA, Cyber Bullying, Nancy Grace Nip Slip

The Comedy Garage crew Casey Feigh, Logan Leistikow, Cornell Reid and Paul Danke are hanging out recounting some stories from the Garage and talking about their stand up taping this

John Roy, Watching Eddie Murphy’s Raw as a Kid, High School Fights, Winning Star Search, Outlaws Smokes 2Pac Ashes, Ryan Seacrest Baseball

Stand up veteran John Roy (@JohnRoyComic) is in studio and starts off about watching Eddie Murphy’s Raw at a young age. John confesses that being a dick in junior high

Scott Bowser, Cub Scouts Didn’t Work Out, Being A Male Cheerleader, Partying Binges in Las Vegas, Zach Randolph Pot Beating, Homophobic Rabbi

Stand up impresario Scott Bowser is in studio for this comedy podcast. Scott talks about his time in the Cub Scouts and why he became a male cheerleader. Scott shares