Adam Jacobs & his exercise bike, Nancy Grace rape stats. Comedian Raj Desai, Oprah & Australia, Quran burnings, Christine O’Donnell & sexy Jets reporter Ines Sainz.

Comic Adam Jacobs & his exercise bicycle, Nancy Grace and her rape stats.  Aaron from Cedar Rapids, IA calls Sean a dick. Comic Raj Desai(Late Late Show, Comedy Central) is

Grape stomping video, Wine tasting tales, Jimmy Johnson’s eXtenze, Winter Olympics, Vegas Weddings, comedian Adam Jacobs.

The amazing audio from the grape stomping video. Wine tasting tales. Jimmy Johnson’s eXtenze commerical. Winter Olympics recap. Comedian Adam Jacobs shares a story about how he got married on

New Year’s Eve party, Champagne and East Coast countdown, best YouTube remixes, Sean’s Dad wrestling in the Eagles stadium, comedian Adam Jacobs

The Green Room celebrates a year of shows with a rockin’ New Year’s Eve party. Logan, Bill and comedian Adam Jacobs pop champagne and count down the East Coast with