Adam Hammer, Annectdotes From Tijuana, Ashton Kutcher Twitter Retirement, Michelle Obama Booed, Students Pepper Sprayed, Herman Cain Rebuttal

Comedian Adam Hammer is in the Silver Lake studio, talking about growing up in Southern California, being a teenage hooligan and taking trips to Tijuana. Check out Adam’s hilarious cd

Tim Tebow Mania, Comedy Show at Penn State, Sean’s Weddings, Jerry Sandusky Interview & Similarities with R Kelly, DeSean Jackson is a Baby

Logan and Sean discuss the craze that is sweeping the nation known as Tim Tebow.  Sean talks about doing a comedy show up at Penn State this week during the

Justin Decker, Working At Multiple Party Cities, Snoop Dogg Census Taking, Is Justin Beiber A Dad?, Kardashian Divorce, O.J. On ‘Locked Up’

Comedian Justin Decker is coping with his Charger’s loss and recent cold.  Sean’s stuff up as well, but the guys break down Justin’s career at multiple Party Cities.  Justin explains

Jon Huck, World Series Recap, Arizona Streaker Interview, Herman Cain Smoking Ad, Jon On Temptation Island 2, ‘Offensive’ Halloween Costumes

Comedian Jon Huck is in studio and helps break down the crazy 2011 World Series.  An Arizona State streaker explains his logic for running on the field.  Herman Cain has